Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am really interested in Beth Cavener Stichter's sculptures. I love the way that she exagerates her forms such as the rabbit with large feet. I also like the size of her pieces. I want to make some larger ceramic forms that are half animal half human. I also love the texture of her pieces and the emphasis on detail.


  1. OKAY!
    1)I would like to let you know you are an amazing artist
    2) I am so lucky to be friends with you!
    3)I am really excited to see this finished and because you're an amazing artist I know it will turn out well.
    4) I think you're cool and so happy we are going out to eat lunch tomorrow.
    5) =)
    6) Our conversations are so memorable
    7) when are you going to be in art class
    8) so have you thought about your concentration yet? you could do like mixtures of human and animals.... ehhhh haha maybe not
    9) wait! did I mention you're an extremely talented and gifted artist?
    10) I like you =)


    Have you seen her website? It is very thorough.... talks about techniques she uses, her artist's statement.
    I love her work also. It is almost painterly, the way she leaves the marks of her hands in the clay.
