Thursday, September 30, 2010

Right now I am somewhat frustrated because I am at a standstill as to what I want to make. I am also struggling to figure out a concentration. I definitely want to work more with clay this year, which I failed to do last year (and somewhat regret) but at the same time, I am interested in making art out of simple household items that one tends to recycle or throw away (such as newspaper, plastic, styrofoam, etc). I was captivated by HA Schult's trash scultptures. What looks like just a pile of trash is really a piece of art.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Art Retreat Reflection

I really enjoyed our art retreat at Menucha. I missed the guest artist but I still got to partake in the Andy Goldsworthy project. I tore holes into these large green leaves and then outlined the hole in the leaf with white berries. My goal was to create a sense of endlessness -- the black hole contrasted the white berries (unfortunately I don't have a picture at the moment.) I was very impressed with everyone else's andy goldsworthy project.
Thank you Amy for another wonderful retreat. I am really excited for this year (despite the fact that I can't physically be in the class). I'm looking forward to creating a whole new portfolio with a new concentration!