Friday, October 29, 2010

So I have finished my Diane Lou inspired sculpture however, I have realized that I can not possible finish my family project by tomorrow solely on the fact that I have envisioned something a lot bigger than time has permitted me to make. Therefore, I have two bodies in progress and one more to start. I want to shy away from small pieces, so these sculptures will be relatively large, maybe somewhere between 2 and 3 feet tall depending on their positions.
On a side note, I think that our poster picture turned out well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bound Angel - Diane Lou
Thank you Diane Lou for a wonderful workshop on your art. I thoroughly enjoyed creating my found-object sculpture and can't wait to finish it. I am not one hundred percent sure what my piece signifies; however, maybe the beauty of this kind of artwork lies in the ambiquity, the uncertainty of the artist's intent.
And yes, Amy, I have visited Beth Stichter's website. I think the most interesting part is when she explains her process. She arranges these poles on which she piles on slabs of clay. Eventually, when she has the shape of the piece, she cuts the clay off, hollows out the form and reassembles it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I am really interested in Beth Cavener Stichter's sculptures. I love the way that she exagerates her forms such as the rabbit with large feet. I also like the size of her pieces. I want to make some larger ceramic forms that are half animal half human. I also love the texture of her pieces and the emphasis on detail.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am somewhat excited about the new family project. I'm interested in creating three human/animals forms, each representing a different aspect of family. My idea is still a little hazy right now.